Wonderful art work from our parish primary school students in response to “Community”.

Our Mission

To create vibrant and rich liturgical experiences, a deep sense of belonging and connection for all, and to provide opportunities for ongoing education in faith, and outreach and service within and beyond our community.

Wonderful art work from our parish primary school students in response to “Listening heart”.

Parishioners of St. Joseph’s strive to:

  • Act in a spirit of appreciation and gratitude for First Nations People

  • Offer welcome, kindness and support to everyone. 

  • Act in a way that upholds the safety of children and all vulnerable people 

  • Act to support all parishioners to live a more connected life within our Parish Community 

  • Act with a listening heart 

  • Act with selflessness 

  • Act fairly and with openness 

  • Act with an appreciation of the need for all of us to continually develop our talent and skills

Safeguarding Children, Young People and Vulnerable adults

At St. Joseph’s Parish, Newport & Spotswood, we consider the safety and wellbeing of all persons to be our highest priority.

We acknowledge that children, young people and vulnerable adults may require additional safeguards to promote their safety and wellbeing and promote their participation.  Clergy, employees and volunteers are committed to upholding the right to safety of all persons, and participating in a creating a culture of safety supported by policies, practices and procedures that strive to prevent abuse in the first instance and to respond appropriately and effectively if abuse does occur.

At St. Joseph’s Newport & Spotswood we strive to create an inclusive and welcoming parish which enables its people to grow and develop in their faith free from abuse, harm and neglect.

Wonderful art work from our parish primary school students in response to “Selflessness”.

Our History

Sacred Heart Church, Newport

The Foundation stone was laid by the Most Reverend D. Mannix D.D. L.L.D. on 17 May 1942.

A red brick Modern Gothic church designed by Kempson and Conolly, typical of many Catholic Churches in the first half of the twentieth century.

The elevation is in two gabled bays with an unusual castellated bell tower over the western bay, presumably being the 1942 addition. Tiles have been used on the roof, with glazed tiling on the western wing being later than those of the eastern section.

A number of minor additions in a matching style are evident. Cemented dressings are used at openings particularly the tracery and foliation in the main windows and entry gables. The 1930 school to the east of the Church is a red brick building.

St. Margaret Marys’s Church, Spotswood

Reputed to be the second smallest parish in the archdiocese of Melbourne, it also lays claims a proud boast that it could be the only church in Australia which has the most complete story of our faith in stained glass windows. Elizabeth and Michael Vassallo created these beautiful works with the help of Vin Patterson and support of Father Des Cameron.

Parish Prayer

Heavenly Father,  

We gather as the parish of St. Joseph as we welcome all into our community. We celebrate our faith, share in the Eucharist and Sacraments and come together to embrace each other's joys, sorrows, hopes and dreams.  

We pray that we will always be a welcoming community, embracing our future and the uniqueness of all who come amongst us.  

We are led by the example of Christ, the cornerstone of all we are and all we do. We are guided by the Spirit to be the heart of God, as we find grace in each other. We are inspired by the charism of Mary MacKillop and the work of the Sisters of St. Joseph.  

We pray that we will follow St. Margaret Mary's devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.  

Sacred Heart of Jesus, be with us.  

St. Joseph, pray for us.

St. Margaret Mary, pray for us.  

St. Mary of the Cross, pray for us.